"People first paid honour to a spot and afterwards gained glory for it. Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her."
GK Chesterton
Wise Investments

Wise Investments

As builders, let us continually consider the relationship between work and reward. Let us identify those elements that require modest amounts of energy, but provide huge returns. Wisely invest time and energy. People often look at the result achieved and assume that the process must cost a staggering sum. Not so! Timber framing this porch took a little over a week. Conventional building culture chases after shorter and shorter buildouts to the point that they can't bring themselves to slow down for a week. A week, that if wisely spent, easily doubles the value of a house. 

Certainly, the pendulum ought not to swing to the other extreme. How unhealthy is it for both builder and client if a simple project drags on for 2 years? Beyond a certain point the law of diminishing returns kicks in. Let us avoid that unhealthy extreme as well. But let us not kid ourselves, we are far from perfectionism becoming a problem. Let us resolve to spend 1-2 months longer on a project and create structures in a timely manner that also will stand the test of time. Let us build for the profound reason that people are worth building for.

Trimming Out Masonry Windows

Trimming Out Masonry Windows

Public or Private

Public or Private